Caring for Injured Wildlife
At Central Rochedale Veterinary Clinic, we have a continuing commitment towards our native animals and happily accept all wildlife for medical assessment, treatment and rehabilitation if possible.
This service is provided free of charge as part of our ongoing community service.
Ensure human safety first! Be aware of surrounding dangers (cars, cliffs etc.) and also potential dangers associated with the injured animal (bites, scratches, diseases). Remember that injured animals are often in shock and even though you may be trying to help them, humans are a potential threat so they may lash out.
If possible, wrap the animal carefully in a towel or piece of clothing and place in a dry, dark box or cage. Do not touch them with your bare hands if possible.
Transport them immediately to a vet who can then treat them on site or arrange for them to go to a specialist wildlife carer.
If you can’t handle the animal without risk to yourself, others or the animal, call the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (264 625). If you collect an injured animal outside of business hours and are unable to find a vet that is open, keep the animal in a warm, dark, secure box away from drafts and pets and contact or drop off to the RSPCA or local carer. Do not try to offer the animal any food or water unless instructed to do so by a wildlife carer or vet. Do not handle unnecessarily (the shock from being handled can kill).
It is common during spring to find baby birds that have fallen out of the nest. Quite often the parents will still be looking after the baby and by picking the baby bird up and removing it from the area, you are more likely to break their bond with the parent and reduce their chances of survival. If you find a baby bird on the ground, check it over and take it to a vet if it is injured. If it appears healthy, then try to place it somewhere high enough away from predators and in a warm, sheltered area so that it won’t fall again and so the parents can come and feed it. You may even be able to construct a temporary nest for it. For more information on rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife please visit Wildcare (phone number: 07 5527 2444).
What to do if you find a bat in trouble? If you find an injured bat, or one that is on the ground or hanging alone by itself during the day, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Contact Bat Conservation & Rescue QLD Inc. or RSPCA for advice immediately.
Bat Conservation & Rescue: 0488 228 134
RSPCA rescue line: 1300 ANIMAL
If found on the ground, please put a container such as a washing basket or cardboard box over it to contain it. Restrain domestic pets and keep children away to minimise stress on the animal. A very small percentage of bats can carry a rabies-related virus (Australian Bat Lyssavirus) which can only be transmitted to humans through a bite or deep scratch. Only people trained and vaccinated against lyssavirus should handle bats. Any bat on its own during the day, especially if on or near the ground, is in trouble. Be humane and seek professional help fast!